East River CORE (pt.3)
The initial rally on July 18th,1964 was attended by approximately
two hundred and fifty people. According to the press, at least two East
River CORE members, Ernie Russell and education chairman Charles Saunders,
played a central role in leading the rally. At the end of the rally the
protesters were led to the nearest police precinct by Rev. Nelson Dukes.
When the protesters were blocked by cops from getting into the precinct,
the street in front filled up. Some were arrested for sitting down in
the middle of the street. The riot began after the cops pushed people
off the street and away from precinct into avenues.
The 6 CORE members arrested at the start of the Harlem
riots (Judith Howell of Bronx CORE, Walter Flesch, Mike Kinsler, Ernest
Russell, Charles Saunders, Arthur Harris of South Jamaica CORE) were eventually
found not guilty of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
These events are the beginning of the ‘long hot
summers’, the urban rebellions or riots that took place in northern
cities across the nation during the mid to late 1960s. It also was the
beginning of the White members eventual exodus from the chapter. Some
stayed in CORE. Stu Wechsler, who became a field secretary, was one of
the last White members to work at the national level. Strangely by 1965,
Blyden Jackson had left the chapter, claiming the “Whites were trying
to take over”. He would go on to become a leader within the Harlem
chapter of the NAACP.
Death and Rebirth By the fall of 1964, ER CORE appears to have been ‘deactivated’.
It was placed under trusteeship by CORE’s Northeastern regional
office located at 48 west 125th street. The regional office established
the Council for Jobs and Freedom at 72 west 125th street with the hopes
it could ‘reactivate the chapter’ using ‘some people
formerly with the chapter’ and some of the ‘few remaining
members of ER CORE’. It covered the area of 125th – 141st
streets between Madison avenue and the FDR Drive. In the short time the
Council existed, it created a Welfare Mother’s League and a complementary
typing school, two basketball teams and an arts and crafts class for local
kids. It also created a remedial reading program using the Myron Woolman
method from the Institute for Educational Research. The council ended
May 21, 1965 presumably due to lack of funds.
Prior to the Whites being pushed out of the chapter, some
members were going to the Tersesa Hotel where Malcolm X had the offices
for his Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) to attend meetings,
listen to him speak and meet with him. Conventional wisdom says Omar Abu
Ahmed may have much to do with this.
Ahmed would eventually be identified as the head of ER
CORE by both the New York Times and the Amsterdam News. He and Roy Innis
even worked together to try and convince Adam Clayton Powell to come back
from the Bahamas to deal with Powell’s political problems. By the
end of 1966 however, Innis led the effort to close the chapter, arguing
it was ineffective. Though there was an effort to re-activate the chapter,
by April 1967, the chapter was officially disaffiliated. Whatever group
still existed was told they could no longer use the name CORE.
Ahmed became one of the chief organizers for the National
Black Power Conference held in Newark in the summer of 1967, the second of such Black Power conferences. Many
of the ‘Rustinites’ from ER CORE became leading members of
the Social Democrats, USA (formerly the Socialist Party of America) and
worked along with Michael Harrington. Most interesting, though, was the
eventual election of Sandy Feldman as head of the United Federation Teachers
(UFT), the country’s leading teacher’s union. The well respected
Feldman had been the protégé of former UFT head Al Shanker,
a man still referred to as ‘the enemy’ by former CORE members.
His racist actions during the Ocean Hill-Brownsville school demonstrations
of the late 1960’s led to many of the Black Power advocates of CORE
to be labeled ‘anti-semitic’ in the press.
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