Malcolm X and CORE NYC

1. Felber, Garrett. "Malcolm X assassination: 50 years on, mystery still clouds details of the case." The Guardian. February 21, 2015

2. Jones, Theodore. "CORE Aide is Sent to Bellevue for Attempt to Arrest Wagner." New York Times. July 16, 1964; Farmer, James. Lay Bare the Heart: An Autobiography of the Civil Rights Movement. New York: Arbor House, 1985. Page 262-263; United States. Congress. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Subversive Influences in Riots, Looting, and Burning. Hearing. Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 1967. 90th Cong., 1st sess. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1968.

3. "1964 Convention Minutes". July 2-5, 1964. CORE. The papers of the Congress of Racial Equality, 1941-1967

4. "Foiler Of Bomb Plot Jailed To Aid Role." The New York Times. Feb 20, 1965; Bigart, Homer. "4 Held in Plot to Blast Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell and Washington Monument." New York Times. Feb 17, 1965;

5. Wechsler, Stu. Personal Interview. 2015; Martinez, Rafael. Personal Interview. 2014.

6. "Gladys Harrington". CBS Reports: The Harlem Temper. CBS. Narr. Harry Reasoner. producer/writer. Stephen Fleischman. December 11, 1963. Television

7. Franklin, J.W. Letter to Jim McCain. Feb, 26, 1962. The papers of the Congress of Racial Equality, 1941-1967.

8. Shane, Joanne. Interview with Sheila Michaels. March 18, 2000. Nonviolent Oral History Project, Columbia University, Special Collections.

9. Jackson, Joe. Personal Interview. 2009; Harris, Bob. Personal Interview. 2009; Spencer, Tony. Personal Interview. 2009.

10. Sonia Sanchez, "The Time Has Come, 1964-66". Eyes on the Prize II: America at the Racial Crossroads. Public Broadcasting System. Written and directed. James A. DeVinney & Madison D. Lacy. Jan. 15, 1990

11. Weusi, Jitu. Personal Interview. 2008; Law, Bob. Personal Interview. 2014.

12. "Symposium: "Hate Gangs", Police Brutality, the Road to Equality". The Militant. June 8 1964.

13. Michaels, Sheila. Email interview. 2009; Hurwitz, Tom. Telephone Interview. 2013; Flasher, Kurt. Personal Interview. 2008.

14. Ogbar, Jeffrey. Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Identity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Pages 60-61; Flug, Mike. Telephone Interview. 2015.

15. Nadle, Marlene. "Malcolm X: The Complexity of a Man in the Jungle". Village Voice. February 25, 1965. "Burying Malcolm X". Village Voice. March 4, 1965.

16. Robinson, James. Personal Interview. 2008; Hill, Velma. Personal Interview. 2011.

17. Adelman, Bob. Photo of Malcolm X at SUNY Medical Downstate demonstration. July 8, 1963. Brooklyn, New York.

18. "Malcolm X says nothing will draw more attention to the plight of oppressed black Americans than the Congress of Racial Equality's plan to tie up traffic at the New York World's Fair." NBCUniversal Archives. Web. May 24, 2015.

19. "WSB-TV newsfilm clip of demonstrators protesting school segregation and Malcolm X speaking in favor of the school boycott in New York City, New York, 1964 March 16", "WSB-TV newsfilm clip of demonstrators protesting against de facto school segregation and of African American leaders Malcolm X and Adam Clayton Powell speaking in favor of the school boycott in New York City, New York, 1964 March 1". Civil Rights Digital Library (University of Georgia). 2007. Web. May 25, 2015.

20. "Redlining Jews and Blacks~Malcolm X.". YouTube. 2010. Web. May 24, 2015.

21. Shane, Joanne. Interview with Sheila Michaels. March 18, 2000. Nonviolent Oral History Project, Columbia University, Special Collections; Glodwag, Arnie. Interview by Brian Purnell. 2000. Civil Rights in Brooklyn Oral History Collection, Brooklyn Collection, Brooklyn Public Library; Flasher, Kurt. Personal Interview. 2009.

22. Cone, James H. Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or A Nightmare. Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 1991. pages 101, 102; Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Identity. Ogbar, Jeffrey. Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. pages 52, 53; Farmer, James. Lay Bare the Heart: An Autobiography of the Civil Rights Movement. New York: Arbor House, 1985. Pages 222-224, 228

23. ... and somewhere out there I've been told is a long lost debate with Evelyn Rich on Philly radio.

24. Weise, Donald and Carbado, Devon W., ed. Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2003.; Antihostile, ed. Malcolm X: Collected Speeches, Debates & Interviews (1960-1965). Web. March 4, 2015.

25. Editor. "Malcolmlogy 101, #15: Bayard Rustin Debate". March, 2011. Web. March 4, 2015.

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