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  • Tags: new york core

hilton clark -x.tiff
This is a 1987 photo of Columbia CORE member Hilton Clark (sitting, Black male, dark suit, glasses) as a NYC city councilman. Sitting next to him is city councilman Rev. Wendell Foster (New York CORE) on his right and Mayor Ed Koch on his left.…

bernice fisher.jpg
This is a 1960 photo of New York CORE member taken in front of her apartment in Brooklyn. Like James Farmer, James Robinson and George Houser, she was one of the founding members of CORE who relocated to New York City.
A pacifist and divinity…

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This is a July 25, 1967 photo of CORE field secretary Stuart Wechsler (center, glasses) being arrested in Cambridge, Maryland. He was down from New York City working on the Target City Project. By is own account, he'd been arrested 25-30 times as an…

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This is a July 27, 1967 of CORE field secretary Stuart Wechsler (center, White male) walking to court in Cambridge, Maryland for his July 25 arrest. Wechsler had been down from New York City working on CORE's Target City project in Baltimore.

james robinson jail.tiff
This is a 1959 photo of CORE founder and New York CORE member james Robinson in jail in for participating in a civil rights action while in Miami. He was there originally to take part in CORE's Miami Interracial Action Institute.

ed lewinson.JPG
This is a photo of CORE member Professor Ed Lewinson (center) walking with his seeing eye dog. Dubbed 'the man who can't see race' because he was blind, he was first a member of New York CORE. He left the chapter not long after it moved to Harlem…

This is a May 17, 1960 of CORE member Jocelyn Boyd (Black, handbag, heels) handing out leaflets at a CORE demonstration in Manhattan. The protest is part of that year's national Woolworth's campaign. Jocelyn Boyd at the time was secretary to Marv…

wendell foster.jpg
This is a 2009 photo of the Reverend Wendell Foster taken at the Christ Church in the Bronx. He has been a pastor there for 42 years.
"In 1978, he became the first black elected city official in the Bronx, where he served for 24 years as a…

wendell foster young.jpg
This is a mid 1960's photo of CORE member Wendell Foster.
Although he did not consider himself a member of any chapter, he was especially involved with New York CORE going back as far as the mid 1940's. Most notably, he played a central role in the…

genivieve hughes.PNG
This is a 1960 photo of New York CORE member Genevieve Hughes. She led the dime store boycott committee for the chapter during CORE's 1960 Woolworth's campaign.
A former financial analyst, she left Wall Street and went on to work full time as…
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