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  • Tags: east river core

east river core bridge.tif
This is a March 6, 1964 photo of East River CORE's sit in demonstration at the Triborough Bridge on 125th street in Harlem. The chapter was protesting against the conditions of East Harlem's public schools.
The entrance to the bridge was blocked…

This is a photo of Tom Kahn, one this country's leading civil rights organizers and labor leaders. He was also considered the ghost writer par excellence of the movement responsible for Bayard Rustin's classic treatise, 'From Protest to Politics'…

This is a April 22, 1964 photo of East River CORE members Tom Kahn (White male) and Rachelle Horowitz (White female) at the 1964 World's Fair demonstration with James Farmer (holding 'Freedom Now' sign).

Kahn and Horowitz were founding members…

stu wechs2.jpg
This is a July 25, 1967 photo of CORE field secretary Stuart Wechsler (center, glasses) being arrested in Cambridge, Maryland. He was down from New York City working on the Target City Project. By is own account, he'd been arrested 25-30 times as an…

stu wechs.jpg
This is a July 27, 1967 of CORE field secretary Stuart Wechsler (center, White male) walking to court in Cambridge, Maryland for his July 25 arrest. Wechsler had been down from New York City working on CORE's Target City project in Baltimore.

This is a 1962 newspaper photo of East River CORE chairman Blyden Jackson, with his wife at the time, Carmel Jackson. At the time the photo was taken he was the chairman of the New Haven, CT chapter of CORE. He also participated in the Route 40…

In 1967, undercover police officer Ray Wood (aka Ray Woodall) testified during congressional hearings before the Committee on Un-American Activities. As part of an investigation into 'subversive influences in riots, looting and burning', he gave…

east river
This is a July 1964 film clip of East River CORE demonstration against police brutality in Harlem.

This is a photo of East River CORE member Karin Berg. In 1963, when Harlem CORE member Blyden Jackson lost to Marshall England in the election for Harlem CORE chairman, he and other Harlem CORE members split and formed their own CORE chapter, East…

This is a 1968 photo of East River CORE's last chairman Omar Abu Ahmed (right, bald head) standing next to SNCC chairman H. Rap Brown (left, sunglasses).

As an active member of Harlem CORE, Ahmed attended the March on Washington. He was one of…
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