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  • Tags: non-violent direct action

bob gore.jpg
This is a photo of Robert Gore of the national CORE office. Gore, like Bayard Rustin and George Houser, was a pacifist who originally came from the Fellowship of Reconciliation. He served as associate community relations director under Marv Rich in…

This is a photo of East River CORE member Karin Berg. In 1963, when Harlem CORE member Blyden Jackson lost to Marshall England in the election for Harlem CORE chairman, he and other Harlem CORE members split and formed their own CORE chapter, East…

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This is a July 29, 1963 photo of Long Island CORE member Ruth Schwartz sitting in the entrance of the Rochdale Park housing project. She was attempting to block the cement truck behind her.
The man standing talking to her is William Booth of the…

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This is a photo of CORE member Professor Ed Lewinson (center) walking with his seeing eye dog. Dubbed 'the man who can't see race' because he was blind, he was first a member of New York CORE. He left the chapter not long after it moved to Harlem…

This is the arrest photo for Brooklyn CORE member Al Gordon as a Freedom Rider. He also participated in the Route 40 Freedom Rides.

A Holocaust survivor, he was working as a history teacher in a Brooklyn public school at the time of his arrest.…

This is the arrest photo for CCNY CORE member Morton Slater as a Freedom Rider. He also participated in the Route 40 Freedom Rides.

from Eric Etheridge's 'Breach Of Peace':
"In the first offenders camp at Parchman, I found myself next to an…

This is a photo of the Bibuld family who were at the center of Brooklyn CORE's first campaign against the NYC Board of Education. In between Elaine and Jerome Bibuld are their children (from left to right) Melanie, Carrington, and Douglass.…

This is a 1962 photo of the Bibulds and other Brooklyn CORE members sitting in at the Board of Education. The sit-in lasted a week.

This is a photo of well known actor Ossie Davis participating in Brooklyn CORE's week long sit in at the Board of Education in 1962.

Davis, who with a his wife Ruby Dee, were known to go out of their way to participate in the movement and…

This is a photo of an unknown protester at a Brooklyn CORE demonstration against the Board of Education.
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