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  • Tags: new york core

This is a May 17, 1960 of CORE member Jocelyn Boyd (Black, handbag, heels) handing out leaflets at a CORE demonstration in Manhattan. The protest is part of that year's national Woolworth's campaign. Jocelyn Boyd at the time was secretary to Marv…

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This is a 2009 photo of the Reverend Wendell Foster taken at the Christ Church in the Bronx. He has been a pastor there for 42 years.
"In 1978, he became the first black elected city official in the Bronx, where he served for 24 years as a…

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This is a July 27, 1967 of CORE field secretary Stuart Wechsler (center, White male) walking to court in Cambridge, Maryland for his July 25 arrest. Wechsler had been down from New York City working on CORE's Target City project in Baltimore.

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This is a July 25, 1967 photo of CORE field secretary Stuart Wechsler (center, glasses) being arrested in Cambridge, Maryland. He was down from New York City working on the Target City Project. By is own account, he'd been arrested 25-30 times as an…
This is the second part of Gladys Harrington's interview from the 1963 CBS News special 'The Harlem Temper'. Here, she discusses the differences between the nationalist groups at the time such as the Nation of Islam and New York CORE. What is most…
This is an interview of New York CORE chairman, Gladys Harrington, the first chairman of the Harlem chapter. It is from a 1963 CBS News special 'The Harlem Temper'.

One of the negative criticisms of Harrington's tenure was the chapter did not do…
This is a film clip from the 1963 CBS News special 'The Harlem Temper'. It contains footage of what I believe is the first New York CORE office on 125th street.
I am unable to identify the members shown here at this time.

This is a photo of former New York CORE chairmen James Robinson(White man, glasses and picket sign) and Darwin Bolden (Black man, pork pie hat). Harlem CORE was originally referred to as New York CORE when the chapter was located on 42nd.…

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This is a 1960 photo of New York CORE member taken in front of her apartment in Brooklyn. Like James Farmer, James Robinson and George Houser, she was one of the founding members of CORE who relocated to New York City.
A pacifist and divinity…

This is a photo of New York CORE member Susan Brownmiller. She also worked as a SNCC member on the Mississippi Freedom Project.
Ms. Brownmiller, an instructor at NYU's Gallatin School and Pace University, is well known for her writings on radical…
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