This is an article by Joel Schwartz on the rent strikes in New York City in the early-mid 1960's. The article is significant because even though has become the most know rent strike activist Schwatrz argues the movement actually started with CORE…
This is a September 20, 1962 article by Bob Gore from the national CORE office on the debate between Bayard Rustin and Malcolm X at the Community Church in Manhattan earlier that month.
Gore served as associate community relations director…
This is a 1964 photo of student protesters Daniel Opatoshu (male, center), Karen Weingeist (top right, dark rimmed glasses), Liz Pearson (top center) just before being arrested at the Florida pavilion at the World’s Fair.
This is a January 1965 letter from the Organization of Afro-American Unity to CORE's national director James Farmer in support of his actions with the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. It is signed by Malcolm X.
This is the photo used for the New York Times obituary of Brooklyn CORE chairman Major Owens who died on October 21, 2013. The photo is notable because in it he is speaking at an NAACP event.