Newsday article on Rev. Al Sharpton informing on CORE members for FBI

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Newsday article on Rev. Al Sharpton informing on CORE members for FBI


This is the Jan. 20, 1988 New York Newsday article, 'The Minister and the Feds'. In it, Rev. Al Sharpton is reported to have secretly worked as an informant for the FBI. His targets included not just mafia figures but New York City Black leaders and activists, including former CORE member Wendell Foster and former Brooklyn CORE chairmen Sonny Carson and Congressman Major Owens.
While Sharpton is quoted as admitting he inform on Owens, he consistently denied he informed on Carson or any other Black activists.
Stories over the next few months would confirm these allegations. Kwame Brathwaite, an elder Harlem Black nationalist and ally of many in Harlem CORE, told Newsday that during the years Sharpton was working as an informant he also attempted to set up a meeting with Assata Shakur, a Black Panther who had escaped from prison and was in hiding.

An explosive story that is often cited, I included it here because it is not easy to find on Lexis-Nexis or Proquest or at NYU's library.

click on the link below (minster and feds.pdf) to download


“Newsday article on Rev. Al Sharpton informing on CORE members for FBI,”, accessed March 26, 2025,

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