Daniel Opatoshu, Karen Weingeist, Liz Pearson: student protesters at the 1964 World’s Fair demonstrations


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Daniel Opatoshu, Karen Weingeist, Liz Pearson: student protesters at the 1964 World’s Fair demonstrations


World's Fair demonstration


This is a 1964 photo of student protesters Daniel Opatoshu (male, center), Karen Weingeist (top right, dark rimmed glasses), Liz Pearson (top center) just before being arrested at the Florida pavilion at the World’s Fair.

All were part of a social circle of high school students, almost all ‘red diaper babies’, that came from Walden, New Lincoln and Elizabeth Irwin (EI) high schools. While Opatoshu ‘wore the CORE button’ and had participated in the 1960 Woolworth’s campaign, he and the other two are examples of the many students who demonstrated at the World’s Fair but were not members of CORE. Also included in this group (but not shown in the photo) was EI student Liz Leicester.

The other girls in the photo are unknown at this time.


Jack Manning


7 Injured in IRT Station; New Picketing Is Planned: 7 Are Injured as Policemen Seize Demonstrators
By PETER KIHSS, April 23, 1964


New York Times


April 22, 1964


Jack Manning


Queens, New York. April 22, 1964


Jack Manning, “Daniel Opatoshu, Karen Weingeist, Liz Pearson: student protesters at the 1964 World’s Fair demonstrations ,” corenyc.org, accessed March 13, 2025, http://corenyc.org/omeka/items/show/239.

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