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  • Tags: herb callender

Incognegro, Part II- How New York Law Enforcement Worked to Destroy Core | History News Network.pdf
This is the second "Incognegro" article which explores the actions of Ray Wood, an undercover police agent that infiltrated Bronx CORE and other NYC CORE chapters under orders of the Bureau of Special Services (BOSS/BOSSI), a branch of the New York…

Incognegro- How Law Enforcement Spies on Black Radical Groups | History News Network.pdf
This is the first "Incognegro" article which explores the actions of Ray Wood, an undercover police agent that infiltrated Bronx CORE and other NYC CORE chapters under orders of the Bureau of Special Services (BOSS/BOSSI), a branch of the New York…

This is a clip from an early 70's NYU student film, "Red Squad", which examines the covert department of the NYPD in charge of investigating political activists.
In this clip, an attorney discusses how Black undercover police officers were used to…

This clip from the NYU student film, "Red Squad", features an interview with undercover NYPD officer Ray Woodall aka Ray Wood.
Please be patient as this file may take a while to download.

kinlock vs ray wood 2.pdf
This is an article from a 1965 issue of the Militant which describes how undercover police officer Ray Wood was suggesting to members of CORE they should commit violent acts such as bombings. It supports similar statements made by East River CORE…

Malcolm X assassination- 50 years on, mystery still clouds details of the case | US news | The Guardian.pdf
This is an explosive article which places undercover NYPD police officer Ray Wood at the assassination of Malcolm X. It also suggests an answer to one of the great mysteries surrounding the event - the identity of the second man who was arrested at…

United States of America, Appellee, v. Walter Augustus Bowe, Robert Steele Collier, and Khaleel Sultarn Sayyed, Defend.pdf
These are court papers for the appeal of the defendants in the 1965 Statue of Liberty case in which it was alleged undercover police officer Ray Wood was the one responsible for coming up with the idea to bomb the State of Liberty, not the…

herb callender.tiff
This is a 1964 photo of Bronx CORE chairman Herb Callender.
A union leader in a Ford auto plant, he was one of the original 1961 Freedom Riders. The case that resulted from his particpation, Herbert E. Callender v. Florida, went all the way to the…

callender wood pic.tiff
This is the 1964 New York Times article which features a photo of Ray Wood, the undercover agent who infiltrated Bronx CORE, being arrested with Bronx CORE chairman Herb Callender. The two had attempted to make a citizen's arrest on Mayor…
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