This is a September 20, 1962 article by Bob Gore from the national CORE office on the debate between Bayard Rustin and Malcolm X at the Community Church in Manhattan earlier that month.
Gore served as associate community relations director…
This is a October 30, 1961 photo of Bayard Rustin (seated left) and Malcolm X (standing) at their Howard University. debate. Seated to the right is Michael Winston, the debate moderator.
This is a film clip of Bayard Rustin debating Malcolm X at the Community Church in Manhattan on January 23, 1962. It is not the entire debate but clips of the debate.
Give the file a minute to come up, its a big file. You may have to press…
This is a photo of Bayard Rustin at the March on Washington (MOW) in 1963. Although A. Phillip Randolph was the initiator and head of the MOW, it was Rustin as the deputy director who was recognized as the main organizer for the march.
This is a copy of a 1947 CORE letter sent out to staff. It is included here because it demonstrates:
1. That CORE was headquartered in New York City and had an office in Harlem as early as 1947. CORE moved to NYC because its first national leader,…
This is a photo of members of the 1947 Journey of Reconciliation. Left to right: Worth Randle, Wallace Nelson, Ernest Bromley, James Peck, Igal Roodenko, Bayard Rustin, Joseph Felmet, George Houser and Andrew Johnson.