This is a photo of Rafael Martinez who was a member of both New York CORE and Bronx CORE. In it, he is holding a photo of himself as a young man at about the age he would have been when he was in CORE. He served in the Army’s tank division during…
This is a photo of New York CORE member Sheila Michaels.
A member of the chapter both downtown and uptown she was involved in some of its early housing protests with Gladys Harrington. Shee also participated in the Route 40 Freedom Rides.
This is the 1961 arrest photo for CORE member Gloria Bouknight as a Freedom Rider in Jackson, Mississippi. Originally from the South, she lived in New York after the rides and was roommates with Sheila Michaels. She served as chair of the membership…
This is a July 25, 1967 photo of CORE field secretary Stuart Wechsler (center, glasses) being arrested in Cambridge, Maryland. He was down from New York City working on the Target City Project. By is own account, he'd been arrested 25-30 times as an…
This is a July 27, 1967 of CORE field secretary Stuart Wechsler (center, White male) walking to court in Cambridge, Maryland for his July 25 arrest. Wechsler had been down from New York City working on CORE's Target City project in Baltimore.
This is a photo of East River CORE member Karin Berg. In 1963, when Harlem CORE member Blyden Jackson lost to Marshall England in the election for Harlem CORE chairman, he and other Harlem CORE members split and formed their own CORE chapter, East…
This is the arrest photo for CORE member Jean Thompson as a Freedom Rider. She was on the very first trip. Originally a member of New Orleans CORE, she later moved to New York City, married CORE field secretary Moon Eng and became active in the…
This is a May 17, 1960 of CORE member Jocelyn Boyd (Black, handbag, heels) handing out leaflets at a CORE demonstration in Manhattan. The protest is part of that year's national Woolworth's campaign. Jocelyn Boyd at the time was secretary to Marv…